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About Beth

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Beth Hope has been a proud member of the Glenbrook community for 14 years. She lives in Northbrook with her husband, two daughters, and dog. Beth is a licensed clinical social worker with a background in clinical leadership, communication, marketing and outreach.


Beth holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan and an MSW from New York University. She is the Senior Director of Clinical Communications & Quality at Compass Health Center, a behavioral health organization based in Northbrook, where she has worked for the past 9 years. In this role, Beth has partnered professionally with schools throughout the north shore, including GBN, GBS, and GBOC.


Beth serves on the Maple School Parent Teacher Advisory Committee, the Curriculum Advisory Committee for Brain Health Academy, and on the Temple Jeremiah Social Justice Committee's Mental Health Subcommittee.



Platform Priorities


We must ensure that our academic offerings and opportunities are innovative, state-of-the-art, engaging, and meet the needs of ALL students to prepare them to achieve their future goals and potentials and to maintain our district's legacy of excellence and leadership.


Mental  Health

Students need the resources, supports, and coping strategies necessary to manage the multitude of stressors and pressures they experience across all areas of life.




Students and faculty must feel and be physically and emotionally safe at school.

Community Engagement

The engagement of all stakeholders, including students, school faculty (teachers, support staff, administration, and others), parents & families, and community members is crucial toward achieving our goals as a district.


How do I vote?

OPTION 1: Get Registered


  •                                                                                                         (request one as soon as possible to avoid mail delays)

  • The last day to mail your ballot is April 1st, but please vote earlier to ensure your ballot is postmarked in time.


  • Early Voting begins March 17th, and you can vote at any early 

  • Election Day is April 1st. This is the last day to vote if you missed early voting. You can look up your 

To request a lawn sign or volunteer

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